Baseline and transition dyspnea index assessment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during pulmonary rehabilitation

Mescheryakova NN1, Belevsky AS1, Niovikov YuK1, Avdeev AN2, Chernyak YuV2
About authors

1 Department of Pulmonology, Doctors Improvement Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Pulmonary Research Institute, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalia Meshcheryakova
ul. 11-ya Parkovaya, d. 32/4, Moscow, Russia, 105077; ur.xobni@7691ailatan_m

Received: 2012-06-30 Accepted: 2012-10-31 Published online: 2017-01-05

The aim of our study was to assess the dyspnea changes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during physical rehabilitation. 39 patients with obstructive pulmonary disease participated in this study: 21 patients were treated with standard medications and physical rehabilitation with the use of respiratory muscles training devices, 18 patients were treated with medications only. The intensity and changes of dyspnea were measured by baseline dyspnea index and transition dyspnea index. The exercise tolerance increased significantly (distance during 6-min walking test increased by 103 m) in the first group as well as lung function (forced expiratory volume increased in the 1st second by 9.6 %pred., functional residual capacity and residual volume decreased by 10.4 and 17.5 %pred., respectively). Significant decrease of dyspnea severity (transition dyspnea index changed by 3.3 points) was noted. There were no significant reliable changes in the control group.

Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rehabilitation, physical training, baseline and transition dyspnea index, dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, pulmonary rehabilitation