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Below you can find a summary of manuscript requirements.
Paper Type | Sections | Number of characters in the article (title page and reference list excluded, spaces excluded). | Number of Tables and Figures | Number of references |
Research study, method or technique description |
Title page Introduction Patients and Methods (Methods) Results Discussion Conclusions References |
up to 20 thousands | up to 6 | up to 30 |
Clinical Case |
Title page Introduction Clinical case presentation Clinical case discussion Conclusions References |
up to 10 thousands | up to 10 | up to 15 |
Opinion |
Title page Main sections (free structure) Conclusions References |
up to 10 thousands | up to 2 | up to 15 |
The payment should be made only after the article is published on our website, as we will need the DOI assigned to the English version of your article to process the payment.
Bulletin of RSMU charges a publication fee of 50,000 rubles (500 EUR).
Полное или сокращенное наименование фирмы (в соответствии с учредительными документами) | Ассоциация «Московский кластер медицинских технологий «Южный» (МедТехКластер «Южный») |
Юридический адрес | 117997, г. Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1, строение 1 |
Фактический адрес | 117997, г. Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1, строение 1 |
Основной гос. регистрац. номер (ОГРН) | 1157700021115 |
Идентификационный номер (ИНН) | 7728327156 |
CEO of Moscow Cluster of Health Technology Association «Yuzhniy» | Dmitriy A. Stukanov, acting ex officio |
We believe that a researcher should think clearly and thus be able to clearly express his views. At the same time we understand that writing a manuscript is not an easy task, therefore, we offer a few services for authors, both free and fee-based. They might help you to save your time and present the results of your work more convincingly.