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Correlations between Heart Rate Variability Indices and Score Values on the Wein Autonomic State Scale in RNRMU Students
1 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow
2 Department of Brain Research,
Research Center of Neurology of RAMS, Moscow, Russia
3 Laboratory of Autonomic Nervous System Pathology,
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Nikolay Alipov
ul. Ostrovityanova, d. 1, Moscow, Russia, 117997; ur.xednay@vopila-n
The relationships between various heart rate variability indices and score values on the Wein autonomic state scale were studied in 32 students of 18–25 years old. No evident significant correlation was obtained between either of listed indices and score values. This calls into question the use of heart rate variability parameters in the quantitative estimation of systemic autonomic state as well as in identification of autonomic dysfunction and determination of its severity. These results also indicate that the general autonomic dysfunction is not always associated with the overexertion of the adaptation mechanisms.
Keywords: heart rate variability, vegetative status, autonomic dysfunction, the Wein questionnaire