Alcohol Consumption as a Risk Factor for the Health of Industrial Workers Employed in Harmful Working Conditions (by the Example of Perm Region)

Ryazanova EA, Lebedeva-Nesevrya NA
About authors

Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, Perm, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalya Lebedeva-Nesevrya
ul. Monastyirskaya, d. 82, Perm, Russia, 614990; ur.ksircf@sentan

Received: 2013-11-11 Accepted: 2013-12-25 Published online: 2017-01-05

The results of the survey aimed at the analysis of practices of alcohol consumption by industrial workers of Perm region are presented in the article. The method of the survey was a dispensing questionnaire in a workplace. It was found an overall high level of consumption by the workers of soft drinks, particularly beer. It was determined that more typical for certain social groups was a regular consumption of hard liquor. Using cluster analysis there were identified four types of alcohol consumers. To the risk group (the type of "alcohol abusing") there were assigned the men under the age of 46.

Keywords: cluster analysis, alcohol, industrial workers