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Characteristics of T-Lumphocyte Sub-Types in the Moscow Region Residents over the Age of 80 Years
Laboratory of Clinical Age Immunology and Allergology, Russian Gerontological Research Center,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Irina Miroshnichenko
1-ya ul. Leonova, d. 16, Moscow, Russia, 129226; ur.liam@hsorimvi
The aim of the study was to determine the markers and the stages of the immunosenescence. The data of flowing polychrome cytometry of 155 patients at the age of 80–89 years (group 1) and 276 patients at the age of 90–104 years (group 2) were analyzed. Immunograms were picked with homogeneous quantitative changes helper CD4+, cytotoxic CD8+ and activated CD3+HLA-DR+ T-cells. The average absolute values of indices with the analogous type of deviations from the standard did not depend on the age. However in the 2nd group persons with immunodeficiency were identified more often (80 ± 5 %) and less with activation of immunity (20 ± 5 %), than in the 1st group (33.5 ± 7.5 % and 66.5 ± 7.5 %, accordingly). It was assumed that the change of types of deviations from the standard reflects the sequential stages of natural immunosenescence, associated with quantitative CD4+ and/or CD8+ deficiency. Possibly the immune inflammation stimulates the accelerated aging against this background.
Keywords: centenarians, immunological markers of inflammation and senescence, cluster analysis, stages of physiological immunosenescence, senile immunodeficiency