New Possibilities of Surgical Treatment of Chronic Stenosis of the Larynx and Cervical Trachea

About authors

Scientifical-Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of FMBA, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Sergey S. Reshulsky
Volokolamskoye shosse, d. 30/6, Moscow, Russia, 123182; ur.liam@50ssr

Received: 2014-11-25 Accepted: 2014-12-24 Published online: 2017-01-05

The aim of the study is to improve the efficiency of surgical treatment of patients with advanced cicatricial stenosis of the larynx and cervical trachea. The paper presents the experience of treatment of patients with cicatricial stenosis of the larynx and cervical trachea having sidewalls laringotraheostomy deficit after the first stages of reconstructive operations. A comparative analysis of treatment outcomes of patients with such pathology different in the choice of used reconstructive material (autocartilage, allocartilage, xenomaterial material based on polytetrafluoroethylene) has been performed. There is given a comparative assessment of the material used for the reconstruction of the side and front walls of the larynx and cervical trachea. There are described complications and ways to overcome them in the performance of reconstructive operations of the said anatomical area.

Keywords: stenosis, larynx, trachea, tracheostomy, reconstructive surgery