Preventive medicine is a cornerstone of health promotion

About authors

Faculty of Pediatrics, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

Correspondence should be addressed: Milushkina OYu
Olga Yu. Milushkina Ostrovityanova 1, Moscow, 117997; ur.liam@anikhsulimlo

Received: 2018-09-04 Accepted: 2018-10-05 Published online: 2018-11-14

Preventive healthcare encompasses a broad range of medical and social interventions aimed at protecting and promoting public health, averting diseases or reducing the risk of their development. Preventive measures seek to create conducive working conditions and good resting environment, promote physical exercise, healthy nutrition, personal hygiene and sanitation, and eventually improve the well-being of the population. This article reviews a number of research works into the impact of various factors on the health of adults and children. Based on their findings, we propose measures for reducing the effects of harmful factors and incorporating positive factors in our daily life. The model of preventive healthcare adopted in Russia is aimed at preventing adult and child morbidity, increasing life expectancy, promoting positive attitude to health, and creating safe environment.

Keywords: children, prevention, healthy lifestyle, health factors, adults