Takayasu's arteritis: the retrospective analysis of patients from the Ural population

Borodina IE1,2, Popov AA2, Salavatova GG1, Shardina LA2
About authors

1 Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No.1, Yekaterinburg, Russia

2 Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Irina E. Borodina
Repina 3, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, 620014; ur.liam@kisydorob

About paper

Author contribution: all authors participated in conceiving and planning the study, processing the data, discussing the results, and writing the manuscript. Borodina IE and Salavatova GG collected the medical records for the electronic database.

Received: 2018-08-10 Accepted: 2019-03-02 Published online: 2019-03-14

Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a rare disease that can be overlooked during the first visit to a GP, rheumatologist, or any other medical specialist due to a variety of its symptoms. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical presentation and the course of patients with TA residing in the Middle Ural. A retrospective analysis was conducted using the medical records of 183 patients treated at the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital 1 from 1979 through 2018. The male to female ratio was 1:3. The mean age was 33.5 years for women and 35.2 for men. The most frequently involved arteries were subclavian (101 cases; 55%), carotid (98 cases; 53%) and renal (77 cases; 42%). Type V was the most common angiographic type. Arterial stenosis was present in 94 (51%) patients. Sixty-six patients received surgical interventions. Of all patients included in the analysis, 31 died. The observed 5-year survival was 92%, 10-year survival, 90% and 15-year survival, 80%. Seventy-two patients (39%) developed major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), including myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and thrombosis of large arteries/veins. The clinical presentation of TA may vary in different geographical regions.

Keywords: Takayasu's arteritis, clinical symptoms, renal artery