Using motion capture analysis for assessing locomotion after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Mozheyko EYu1, Pavlov AO2, Chistov MA1, Khramchenko MA1, Gurevich VA1
About authors

1 Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

2 Federal Siberian Research and Clinical Center of FMBA, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena Yu. Mozheyko
Prospekt Mira. 5, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia; ur.liam@okjehzom_le

About paper

Author contribution: Mozheyko EYu formulated the hypothesis, proposed the design, defined the goals and objectives of the study, analyzed study results, wrote and edited the manuscript; Pavlov AO formulated the hypothesis and edited the manuscript; Chistov MA, Khramchenko MA searched the literature, analyzed study results, performed statical analysis and wrote the manuscript; Gurevich VA recruited the subjects, analyzed the results and performed statistical analysis.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Protocol № 89/2019 dated April 17, 2019).

Received: 2021-11-20 Accepted: 2021-12-13 Published online: 2021-12-28

An anterior cruciate ligament tear is one of the most common injuries to the capsular ligament apparatus of the knee necessitating operative treatment. Postoperatively, patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries develop a pathologic gait pattern. Today, innovative diagnostic and rehabilitation methods for patients with gait disturbances associated with such injuries are in high demand. Below, we present a case of using 3D motion capture analysis for the personalized assessment of gait function in a patient with the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament two months after surgery. The analysis revealed that the patient had a slower, shorter, wider step with longer step intervals than the healthy subject; the flexion and extension amplitude in the large joints of the operated leg was smaller than in the healthy contralateral leg. Motion capture analysis can be used to assess the postoperative dynamics in patients with anterior cruciate ligament tears.

Keywords: rehabilitation, motion capture, anterior cruciate ligament, gait, postural disorders