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Monitoring the spread of COVID-19 across tuberculosis patients in Moscow

Kotova EA, Sumarokova EV, Belilovsky EM, Monchakovskaya ES
About authors

Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Tuberculosis Control of the Moscow Government Department of Health, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena V. Sumarokova
Stromynka, 10, Moscow, 107014, Russia; ur.som.vardz@1VEavokoramus

About paper

Author contribution: Kotova EA, Belilovsky EM — developing the method, literature review, manuscript writing, editing; Sumarokova EV — data acquisition and analysis, developing the method, literature review, manuscript writing, editing; Monchakovskaya ES — statistical data processing.

Compliance with ethical standards: retrospective processing of the registry data did not involve personal information

Received: 2024-11-12 Accepted: 2025-01-15 Published online: 2025-02-11

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated making timely managerial decisions when providing medical care to patients with tuberculosis (TB). The study aimed to develop a system for monitoring of TB combined with COVID-19 and estimate the prevalence of COVID-19 among TB patients, along with the efficacy of the measures applied. A registry of TB/COVID-19 patients was developed based on the Barclay-SV Medical Database Management System. It was used to perform comparative analysis of the information about 1837 patients with active TB forms and confirmed COVID-19 for two periods of the pandemic, 2020–2021 and 2022–2023, and against the data on all new TB cases and TB relapses registered in Moscow in 2020–2023: 7812 and 1243 individuals respectively, from the TB surveillance registries, excluding those identified posthumously. The socio-demographic structure of patients with TB/COVID-19 co-infection identified in 2020–2023 did not change and corresponded to that of TB patients. In the second period analyzed, mild COVID-19 cases were registered more often (60.9% vs. 41.6%; p < 0.01), the share of moderate COVID-19 cases decreased from 48.2% to 20.6% (p < 0.01), and the share of severe cases decreased from 6.4% to 4.9% (p = 0.19). In 2022–2023, the share of individuals with COVID lung damage decreased from 45.1% to 17.6%, while the number of cases of COVID upper respiratory tract lesion increased from 47.1% to 64.5% (p < 0.05). The fact of having HIV infection, CAD and hypertension, kidney and genitourinary diseases increased the chance of developing COVID-19 by TB patients 1.5–2-fold, and disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, caseous pneumonia, lung tissue destruction and bacterial excretion increased it 1.4–1.6-fold. The registry made it possible to control routing of TB/COVID-19 patients, as well as treatment outcomes: the total share of individuals cured reached 90.1%.

Keywords: tuberculosis, SARS-CoV-2, monitoring, novel coronavirus infection, tuberculosis/COVID-19 co-infection, tuberculosis epidemiological monitoring system