Advisor to the Rector,
Head of the Department of Pathophysiology and Clinical Pathophysiology, Faculty of General Medicine,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Corr. member of RAS, DSc (medicine), professor
Areas of expertise:
molecular and cellular mechanisms of immune diseases; allergies; the role of the immune system in inflammation, inflammatory heart diseases (infectious myocarditis); the role of apoptosis in the development of immune pathologies; mechanisms of specific immunotherapy; discovery and study of new allergy medications
Knowing the human body and how it functions, what happens to it when an illness sets in or how we can help an ailing person — a key to all these things is pathophysiology that studies processes occurring in the afflicted organism. Advances in pathophysiology immediately find their application in clinical routine. A desire to look inside the processes that underlie the disease is a driving force of an inquiring mind. A young researcher who is taking the first steps on the path of science has to decide what interests him/her most, so that later in life he/she would not have to feel remorse for the path he has once chosen. Be vehement in pursuing your goals, be persistent and honest. True science tolerates no lies.
- Poryadin GV, Vlasov AP, Trofimov VA, Vlasova TI, Kamkina OV, Grigoriev AV, et al. [Hemoglobin oxygen transport capacity in surgical endotoxicosis]. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya i eksperimental'naya terapiya. 2016; 60 (1): 23–7. Russian.
- Khamnagdaeva NV, Semenova LYu, Obrubov SA, Salmasi JM, Poryadin GV, Rogozhina IV, Kazimirskyii AN. Surface phenotype of blood lymphocytes in children with medium axial myopia in the presence
or absence of secondary immunodeficiency. Bulletin of RSMU. 2016; (1): 40–3.
- Obrubov SA, Khamnagdayeva NV, Semenova LYu, Sakmasi ZM, Poryadin GV, Rogozhina IV, et al. [Acquired myopia in children in case of various initial states of the immune system: comparative immunological characteristics]. Russian ophthalmology of children. 2016; (1): 15–20. Russian.
- Poryadin GV, Sharpan YuV. [Pathophysiological and Clinical Aspects of the Abuse of Synthetic Cannabinoids Found in Spice]. Lechebnoe delo. 2015; (3): 9–16. Russian.
- Poryadin GV, Vlasov AP, Anaskin SG, Vlasova TI, Potyanova IV, Turigina SA. [Systemic factors of acute pancreatitis advance]. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya i eksperimental'naya terapiya. 2015; 59 (2): 46–50.
- Sashkina TI, Poryadin GV, Faskhutdinov DK, Agaev RR, Saldusova IV, Sokolova SI. Tsitokinovyy profil' i vozmozhnosti ego korrektsii pri khronicheskom generalizovannom parodontite. Golova i sheya. 2015; (2): 6–7.
- Poryadin GV, Sashkina TI, Zaychenko OV, Saldusova IV, Runova GS, Markina ML. Otsenka pokazateley krovi u bol'nykh s vospalitel'nymi protsessami v tkanyakh parodonta posle traditsionnogo i kompleksnogo lecheniya s polioksidoniem. Rossiyskaya stomatologiya. 2015; 8 (1): 49–50. Russian.
- Khamnagdaeva NV, Semenova LYu, Salmasi JM, Poryadin GV, Kazimirskiy AN, Obrubov SA, et al. [Investigation of the surface phenotype of lymphocytes in children with myopia]. Russian Journal of Immunology. 2014; 8 (3): 613–5. Russian.
- Semenova LYu, Salmasi JM, Balkhanova LTs, Poryadin GV, Kazimirsky AN, Hamnagdaeva NV. [Investigation of the surface phenotype of blood lymphocytes of patients osteoarthritis: a comparison with early rheumatoid arthritis]. Russian Journal of Immunology. 2014; 8 (3): 585–7. Russian.
- Poryadin GV, Salmasi JM, Kazimirskiy AN. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika markerov FAS-zavisimogo apoptoza limfotsitov u bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy i KhOBL. Russian Journal of Immunology. 2013; 7 (2–3): 207–8. Russian.