Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Pediatrics,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
Corr. member of RAS, DSc (medicine), professor
Areas of expertise:
conditions of the ear, throat and nose in neonates, infants and young children
Special awards and honors:
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
- Burova OV, Bogomilsky MR, Polunin MM, Soldatsky YuL. [Balloon dilatation of the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube in the children presenting with relapsing exudative otitis media]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2016; 81 (2): 59–60. Russian.
- Laberko EL, Bogomilsky MR, Soldatsky YuL, Pogosova IE. [The influence of an isotonic solution containing benzalkonium chloride and a hypertonic seawater solution on the function of ciliary epithelium from the nasal cavity in vitro]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2016; 81 (2): 49–52. Russian.
- Bogomilsky MR, Polunin MM, Zelikovich EI, Soldatsky YuL, Burova OV. [Apical petrositis, osteomyelitis of the base of the skull bones and of the first cervical vertebra in a 5 year-old children following chicken pox]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2016; 81 (1): 61–3. Russian.
- Bogomilsky MR, Ivanenko AM, Mazur EM, Bulynko SA, Soldatsky YuL. [Congenital parotidgland fistula in the children: diagnostics and surgical treatment]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2016; 81 (1): 44–6. Russian.
- Minasyan VS, Baranov KK, Bugaichuk OV, Radtsig EYu, Bogomilsky MR. [The application of digital video-otoscopy for diagnostics of various forms of otitis in the children]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2015; 80 (4): 74–6. Russian.
- Bogomilsky MR, Baranov KK. [Exacerbation of chronic suppurative otitis media in the childhood]. Vestnik otorinolaringologii. 2015; 80 (3): 71–4. Russian.
- Radtsig EYu, Pivneva ND, Kotova EN, Ermilova NV, Bogomilsky MR. [Efficiency of 3rd generation peroral cephalosporin in ENT pathologies in children]. Lechaschi vrach. 2014; (10): 52–5. Russian.
- Radtsig EYu, Ermilova NV, Bogomilsky MR. Zalozhennost' nosa u detey: prichiny i sposoby lecheniya. Pediatria. Journal named after G. N. Speransky. 2012; 91 (5): 85–90. Russian.
- Radtsig EYu, Bogomilsky MR, Laberko EL, Ermilova NV. Vzaimosvyaz' vozrastnykh osobennostey stroeniya slizistoy obolochki polosti nosa i sposobov vvedeniya preparatov dlya lecheniya ostrogo infektsionnogo rinita u detey i podrostkov. Pediatria. Journal named after G. N. Speransky. 2012; 91 (4): 83–8. Russian.
- Bogomilsky MR, Radtsig EYu, Rakhmanova IV. Znachenie gigieny naruzhnogo ukha u novorozhdennykh i grudnykh detey v profilaktike zabolevaemosti. Pediatria. Journal named after G. N. Speransky. 2012; 91 (4): 54–7. Russian.