ISSN Print 2500–1094    ISSN Online 2542–1204


Head of the Department of Modifiers and Protectors of Anticancer Therapy,
P. Herzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute (Moscow, Russia)

DSc (biology), professor

Areas of expertise:

pathogenetic mechanisms of cancer, development of drugs for anti-cancer and supporting therapy considering the pathogenesis of the disease: experimental studies of physical, chemical, biological and pharmacological properties of drugs and their pharmacokinetics and safety based on the assessment of  acute, chronic and specific toxicity

Special awards and honors:

Government of the Russian Federation Award for the experimental clinical study of Radiomodifiers as the main way to improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy of malignant tumors (1998)
Government of the Russian Federation Award for the development and introduction of fluorescence-based diagnostic technology and photodynamic therapy into routine oncology (2012)


Significant publications in last 5 years

  1. Bezborodova OA, Nemtsova ER, Gevorkov AR, Boyko AV, Venediktova JB, Alekseenko IV, Kostina MB, Monastyrskaya GS, Sverdlov ED, Khmelevskiy EV, Yakubovskaya RI. Antitumor efficacy of combined gene and radiotherapy in animals. Dokl Biochem Biophys. 2016 Sep; 470 (1): 345–
  2. Bezborodova OA, Nemtsova ER, Yakubovskaya RI, Kaprin AD. [Gene therapy is a new area in medicine]. Onkologiya. Zhurnal imeni P. A. Gertsena. 2016; 5 (2): 64–72 Russian.
  3. Alekseenko IV, Snezhkov EV, Chernov IP, Pleshkan VV, Potapov VK, Sass AV, Monastyrskaya GS, Kopantzev EP, Vinogradova TV, Khramtsov YuV, Ulasov AV, Rosenkranz AA, Sobolev AS, Bezborodova OA, Plyutinskaya AD, Nemtsova ER, Yakubovskaya RI, et al. Therapeutic properties of a vector carrying the HSV thymidine kinase and GM-CSF genes and delivered as a complex with a cationic copolymer. J Transl Med. 2015 Mar 4; 13 (1): 78–89.  DOI: 10.1186/s12967-015-0433-0.
  4. Yakubovskaya RI, Plotnikova EA, Plyutinskaya AD, Morozova NB, Chissov VI, Makarova EA, et al. Photophysical properties and in vitro and in vivo photoinduced antitumor activity of cationic salts of meso-tetrakis(N-alkyl-3-pyridyl)bacteriochlorins. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2014 Jan 5; 130: 109–14.
  5. Mironov AF, Grin MA, Reshetnikov RI, Yakubovskaya RI, Plotnikova EA, Morozova NB, et al. Novel bacteriochlorophyll-based photosensitizers and their photodynamic activity. J Porphyr Phthalocyanines. 2014; 18: 129–38.
  6. Venanzi F, Shifrin V, Sherman M, GabaiV, Kiselev O, Komissarov A, Grudinin M, Shartukova M, Romanovskaya-Romanko EA, Kudryavets Y, Bezdenezhnykh N, Lykhova O, Semesyuk N, Concetti A, Tsyb A, Filimonova M, Makarchuk V, Yakubovskаyа R, et al. Broad-spectrum anti-tumor and anti-metastatic DNA vaccine based on p62-encoding vector. Oncotarget. 2013 Oct; 4 (10): 1829–35.
  7. Yakubovskaya RI, Morozova NB, Pankratov AA, Kazachkina NI, Plyutinskaya AD, Karmakova TA, etal. Experimental photodynamic therapy: 15 years of development. Russ J Gen Chem. 2015; 85 (1): 217–
  8. Yakubovskaya RI, Kazachkina NI, Karmakova TA, Morozova NB, Pankratov AA, Plyutinskaya AD, et al. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po izucheniyu fotoindutsirovannykh protivoopukholevykh svoistv lekarstvennykh sredstv. In: Rukovodstvo po provedeniyu doklinicheskikh issledovanii lekarstvennykh sredstv. Part  Moscow: Grif i K; 2012. p. 655–69. Russian.
  9. Grin MA, Lonin IS, Likhosherstov LM, Novikova OS, Plyutinskaya AD, Plotnikova EA, Kachala VV, Yakubovskaya RI, et al. “Click chemistry” in the synthesis of the first glycoconjugates of bacteriochlorin series. J Porphyr Phthalocyanines. 2012 Oct; 16: 1094–109.