ISSN Print 2500–1094    ISSN Online 2542–1204

Nadezhda A BYLOVA

Dean of the International Faculty,
Associate Professor at the Department of Propaedeutics to Internal Medicine, Physiotherapy and Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Pediatrics,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia)

CSc (medicine), docent

Areas of expertise:

internal medicine, cardiology, intestinal microbiota in patients with chronic heart failure


Significant publications in last 5 years

  1. Bylova NA, Arutyunov GP. Opredelit' bolezn' Fabri. Archive of internal medicine. 2013; 2 (10): 11–4. Russian.
  2. Berezhnaya OO, Bylova NA, Slepneva EM, Arutyunov GP. Registr patsientov, gospitalizirovannykh s sindromom ostroy dekompensatsii serdechnoy nedostatochnosti (ODSN): otsenka klinicheskoy kartiny i taktiki lecheniya. Russian Heart Failure Journal 2013; 14 (77): 124–6. Russian.
  3. Arutyunov GP, Khokhlova NV, Tyukhtina AS, Bylova NA. Serdtse v os'minozh'ey lovushke. Archive of internal medicine. 2013; 6 (14): 41–6. Russian.
  4. Bylova NA, Arutyunov GP. Morphology and Functional Changes of Intestine, Trophology Status and Systemic Inflammation in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. In: Gaze DC, editor. The Cardiovascular System — Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications. InTech; 2012. DOI: 10.5772/22667.
  5. Arutyunov GP, Bylova NA, Shavgulidze KB. Klinicheskoe znachenie dinamiki zhirovoy tkani u patsientov s KhSN. LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2011. 168 с. Russian.
  6. Arutyunov GP, Kostyukevich OI, Rylova NV, Serov RA, Bylova NA. Collagen accumulation and dysfunctional mucosal barrier of the small intestine in patients with chronic heart failure. Int J Cardiol. 2008; 125 (2): 240–5.
  7. Arutyunov GP, Kafarskaya LI, Bylova NA, Savelov NA, Chernyavskaya TK, Pokrovsky YuA, et al. [Chronic Heart Failure: Structural And Microbiological Changes In The Colon]. Terapevticheskij arkhiv. 2007; 79 (2): 31–7. Russian.