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Efficiency of Combined Anesthesia in Extensive Laparoscopic Surgery of Gastrointestinal Tract
Department of Anesthesiology, Resustication and Intensive Therapy, Medical Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Anatoliy Malishev
ul. Pavlovskaya, d. 25, Moscow, Russia, 115093; ur.tsil@tarkoppyh
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of multimodal analgesia in patients after extensive laparoscopic surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The study involved 127 surgical patients aged 65 ± 13 years, operated routinely using the laparoscopic technique (group 1) or laparotomy (group 2). According to the method of anesthesia in the first group there were identified 2 subgroups: in the 1A subgroup there was used a combination of nonnarcotic anti-inflammatory drugs and epidural analgesia (EA) and in the 1 В subgroup epidural analgesia was not applied. Anesthesia in patients of group 2 was performed according to the method of the 1A subgroup. In the postoperative period, on the 2nd, 6th and 11th days there was made a dynamic estimation of parameters of central hemodynamics (CHD) using noninvasive rheographic techniques; as well as an assessment of pain and physical activity. There was identified early recovery of physical activity in the 1B subgroup, despite more intense pain syndrome in comparison with the 1A and the 2nd groups. The estimation of parameters of CHD had the highest decrease of myocardial contractility in the 1 В subgroup followed by reduction of the initial values by the 11th day. According to the results of the study there was made a conclusion that the epidural analgesia should be considered as a mandatory component of intra- and postoperative anesthesia when performing extensive laparoscopic surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Keywords: laparoscopy, combined anesthesia, epidural analgesia, pneumoperitoneum, mini-invasive surgery, abdominal surgery