Evaluation of microcirculation in children of 8 and 10 years of age using inspiratory breath hold

Baboshina NV
About authors

Department of Medicine, Biology and Approaches to Teaching Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalia Baboshina
ul. Respublikanskaya, d. 108, Yaroslavl, Russia, 150000; ur.kb@avetarknap

Received: 2016-06-01 Accepted: 2016-06-12 Published online: 2017-01-05
Functional tests
Sample LDF data during a 30-second breath hold in a 8-year-old child. Legend: 1 — the initial value of perfusion index; 2 — the onset of breath hold; 3 — the onset of perfusion index reduction; 4 — the minimum value of perfusion index; 5 — the offset of breath hold; 6 —the value of perfusion index after normal breathing was restored.
Table 1. Perfusion index and mechanisms of perfusion regulation in children of 8 to 10 years of age
Note. Here and in table 2 data are presented as arithmetic mean ± standard deviation. М represents mean perfusion index; σ represents mean square deviation (mean blood flow modulation); KV represents the coefficient of variation of perfusion index (blood flow variability); NT — neurogenic tone; МТ — myogenic tone; SI — shunt index; Аmax, (Аmax/3σ) × 100 % and (Аmax/М) × 100 % — maximum and normalized amplitudes. * — р <0.5; ** — р <0.01; *** — р <0.001 in comparison with the same parameters in children of an earlier age; PU — perfusion units; AU — arbitrary units.
Table 2. Perfusion parameters in 8- and 10-year-old children during the inspiratory breath hold
Note. Мinit is the initial value of perfusion index before the inspiratory breath hold; Preact is minimal perfusion during the respiratory test; Mrest is the value of perfusion index after normal breathing was restored; Т3–Т1 is a time interval between the onset of breath hold and the onset of microcirculatory flow reduction; Т4–Т3 is a time interval between the onset of microcirculatory flow reduction and the minimum value of perfusion index; Т5–Т4 is a time interval between the minimum value of perfusion index and breath recovery; CFR is capillary flow reserve; ∆М is perfusion index shift. * — р <0.05; ** — р <0.01; *** — р <0.001 when compared to the corresponding values in children of an earlier age.