Methods of genetic toxicology in the assessment of genomic damage induced by electromagnetic ionizing radiation
1 Kazan State Medical Academy (branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education), Kazan, Russia
2 Кazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
3 Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Correspondence should be addressed: Sergey Ryzhkin
ul. Butlerova, d. 36, Kazan, Russia, 420012; ur.xobni@777asr
Funding: this work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (Project No. 16-16-16018).
All authors' contribution to this work is equal: selection and analysis of literature, planning of the manuscript's structure, data interpretation, drafting of the manuscript, editing.
Medical or occupational exposure of patients and healthcare personnel to ionizing radiation (IR) can be a cause of genetic disorders. In this article we discuss the efficiency of the following tests used to comprehensively assess the effects of ionizing radiation on the genetic apparatus of a cell: the Ames test, the micronucleus test and the FISH method. We provide examples of their use, outline their advantages and drawbacks, estimate the possibility of designing more advanced test systems and discuss requirements for their implementation.
Keywords: genetic toxicology, X-ray radiation, ionizing radiation, gamma rays, test system, Ames test, micronucleus test, FISH