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Modern aspects of multimodality approach to the diagnosis of idiopathic epiretinal membrane

About authors

1 Research Center for Ophthalmology,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Pediatrics,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ekaterina P. Tebina
Volokolamskoe shosse, d. 30, korp. 2, Moscow, Russia, 125310; ur.liam@anibetaniretake

About paper

All authors' contribution to this work is equal: selection and analysis of literature, research planning, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, drafting of a manuscript, editing.

Received: 2017-10-23 Accepted: 2017-10-26 Published online: 2018-01-15
Fig. 1. Example of multimodal diagnostics results, iERM, stage 0. Membrane area and boundaries are almost invisible, no wrinkles/folds on the retina, no traction component, sporadical diffuse fibrosis foci
Fig. 2. Example of multimodal diagnostics results, iERM, stage 1. Membrane area and boundaries are well defined, sporadical wrinkles/folds on the retina, unpronounced traction, visible star patterns on the retina and patches
Fig. 3. Example of multimodal diagnostics results, iERM, stage 2. Membrane area and boundaries are clear, pronounced wrinkles/folds on the retina, pronounced traction, increased retinal thickness