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Uterine hemodynamics and ovarian reserve quality in the prediction of in vitro fertilization outcomes

Rabadanova AK, Shalina RI, Gugushvili NA
About authors

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Asiyat Rabadanova
ul. Mnevniki 23, k. 254, Moscow, 123423; moc.liamg@aveatabukaysa

Received: 2018-03-18 Accepted: 2018-03-20 Published online: 2018-06-01
Fig. 1. Blood flow assessment in the endometrium (the subendometrial region excluded and included)
Fig. 2. ROC-analysis of the associations between IVF outcomes and the blood flow in the endometrium (A) and the subendometrial region (B)
Fig. 3. ROC-analysis of the associations between IVF outcomes and the endometrial volume, myometrial VI and subendometrial VFI
Table 1. Characteristics of female patients with different ovarian reserves and the IVF outcome
Note: * — represents significant differences.
Table 2. Volumes of the myometrium, subendometrium and endometrium measured by 3D power Doppler
Note: * — represents significant differences.
Table 3. Uterine hemodynamics in patients with different ovarian reserve and IVF outcomes
Note: * — difference significant at р < 0.05; ** — difference significant at р < 0.01.