A correlation between the fluctuations of cytokine concentrations measured in the morning and evening and the circadian blood pressure rhythm in patients with stage II essential hypertension
1 National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
2 State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations, FMBA, St. Petersburg, Russia
3 Mordovian Republican Clinical Hospital No.4, Saransk, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Olga A. Radaeva
Ulianova 26/a, Saransk, 430030; ur.liam@97_fybwbltv
Author contribution: Radaeva OA recruited the study participants, collected blood samples, interpreted the results, analyzed the literature, and helped to write a draft of the manuscript. Simbirtsev AS supervised the research group, identified the aims and objectives of the study, proposed a methodology, and provided critical feedback. Khovryakov AV recruited the study participants, collected blood samples and wrote the manuscript.