Associations between blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow impairments assessed with phase-contrast MRI and brain damage in patients with age-related cerebral small vessel disease

Kremneva EI1, Akhmetzyanov BM2, Dobrynina LA1, Krotenkova MV1
About authors

1 Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia

2 PET-Technology LLC, Ufa, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena I. Kremneva
Volokolamskoe shosse 80, Moscow, 125367; ur.ygoloruen@avenmerk

About paper

Funding: this work was part of the state assignment for Research Center of Neurology.

Author contribution: Kremneva EI — methodology of the study, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript preparation; Akhmetzyanov BM — data acquisition, statistical processing and interpretation; Dobrynina LA — conception and methodology of the study, data interpretation, clinical data analysis and acquisition; Krotenkova MV — study supervision and methodology, data interpretation.

Received: 2019-07-28 Accepted: 2019-08-12 Published online: 2019-08-25
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