Polymorphism of proinflammatory cytokine genes in girls predisposed to recurrent respiratory infections

Kazakova AV1, Uvarova EV2, Limareva LV1, Lineva OI1, Svetlova GN1, Trupakova AA1
About authors

1 Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

2 Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow

Correspondence should be addressed: Larisa V. Limareva
Gagarina, 20, Samara, 443079; ur.xednay@averamil-asiral

About paper

Author contribution: Kazakova AV — conception and design of the study; data acquisition and statistical analysis; Uvarova EV — conception and design of the study; manuscript preparation; Limareva LV — conception and design of the study; statistical analysis; manuscript preparation; Trupakova AA — data acquisition; Svetlova GN, Lineva OI — manuscript preparation.

Received: 2019-12-02 Accepted: 2019-12-18 Published online: 2019-12-26
Table. Polymorphic allele and genotype frequencies for the genes encoding proinflammatory cytokines in girls aged 7 to 17 years
Note: ARI — acute respiratory infections; * — statistically significant differences in the allele frequency at the given locus (р < 0.05); * * — statistically significant associations with increased risk of respiratory infections.