Optimization of a single-embryo transfer in patients with good ovarian reserve

Saraeva NV1,2, Spiridonova NV1, Tugushev MT1, Shurygina OV1, Sinitsyna AI1, Korchagin AO2
About authors

1 Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

2 IDK Medical Company, the Mother and Child group, Samara, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalya V. Saraeva
Vrubelya, 15–131, Samara, 443086; moc.liamg@anikhcizuk

About paper

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Samara State Medical University (Protocol 194 dated September 12, 2018). Informed consent was obtained from all study participants.

Acknowledgements: the authors thank Komarova MV, PhD Biol., Associate Professor of Samara National Research University, for her help with the statistical analysis.

Author contribution: all authors equally contributed to the study and manuscript preparation.

Received: 2020-03-19 Accepted: 2020-04-07 Published online: 2020-04-20
Fig. 1. Embryo quality in the main and control groups
Fig. 2. Delivery rate depending on the type of the embryo transfer
Table 1. Outcomes of embryo transfer in the main and control groups
Table 2. Delivery rates in the absence/presence of TLM for different types of embryo transfer