Similarities and differences between the Chaetopterus variopedatus polychaete luciferases depending on the type of habitat

Purtov KV1, Petushkov VN1, Rodionova NS1, Chepurnykh TV2, Kozhemyako VB3, Zagitova RI2, Shcheglov AS2,4, Ziganshin RH2, Tsarkova AS2,4
About authors

1 Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2 Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia

3 Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok, Russia

4 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Aleksandr S. Shcheglov
Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10, Moscow, 117997; ur.liam@trakuj

About paper

Acknowlegements: we would like to thank Anderson Oliveira, Professor, and Jeremy Mirza, junior researcher at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo for assistance in collecting the biomass of Brazilian polychaetes, and Kirill Vinnikov, Director at the Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Federal University, for advice on the Chaetopterus taxonomy.

Author contribution: Purtov KV, Petushkov VN, Rodionova NS — luciferase extraction; Chepurnykh TV — DNA extraction, PCR; Kozhemyako VB — biomass collection and preparation for luciferase extraction; Zagitova RI, Shcheglov AS — studying the properties of luciferases; Ziganshin RH — mass spectrometry; Tsarkova AS — overall project management.

Received: 2021-09-28 Accepted: 2021-10-12 Published online: 2021-10-26
Fig. 1. Retention time values obtained for different C. variopedatus luciferases by chromatography involving the use of the monoQ anion exchange column, linear gradient; Br — Brazilian polychaetes, FE — Far Eastern polychaetes
Fig. 2. Molecular weight of different C. variopedatus luciferases defined by gel filtration; Br — Brazilian polychaetes, FE — Far Eastern polychaetes
Fig. 3. Denaturing electrophoresis (15% SDS-PAGE) of the preparations L1 (2) and L2 (3) obtained from Brazilian C. variopedatus and luciferase obtained from Far Eastern C. variopedatus (4). Tracks 1 and 5 — protein calibration mixture for SDS-PAGE electrophoresis: 29,000, 21,000, 12,500, 6,500 kDa
Table. Mass spectrometry analysis of the preparations of purified luciferases, obtained from Brazilian (Br) and Far Eastern (FE) Chaetopterus
Note: m/z — mass-to-charge ratio; z — charge; m — molecular weight.