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Degenerative disc disease in young adults: cytokine profile and angiogenic factors

Novikova AV1, Pravdyuk NG1, Saklakova VS2, Lolomadze EA2, Feniksov VM3, Nikolaev DA3, Davygora KS1, Timofeev VT1, Shostak NA1
About authors

1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia

3 Pirogov City Clinical Hospital № 1, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Anna V. Novikova
Ostrovitianova, 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.liam@8002evonna

About paper

Acknowledgements: we would like to thank neurosurgeons of the Department of Neurosurgery, Nekrasova MA, Babenkova VV, Isaeva AN, Smirnova VA, Glukhova DS, Gabechiya GV, Choriyeva DB, Kozheva AKh, for assistance in our research.

Author contribution: Novikova AV — literature analysis, clinical data acquisition and biomaterial collection, preanalytical phase of the study, data analysis and interpretation, preparation of figures and graphs; Pravdyuk NG — literature analysis, task definition, study design, data analysis and interpretation; Saklakova VS — literature analysis, analytic phase of laboratory testing, definition and statistical analysis of mRNA abundance in biomaterial, scheduling; Lolomadze EA — analysis of laboratory work, analysis of mRNA abundance in biomaterial; Feniksov VМ and Nikolaev DA — admission to clinical data acquisition, neurological examination of patients, discectomy, biomaterial collection; Davygora KS — literature analysis, analysis of laboratory work; Timofeev VT — study planning, preanalytical phase of the study, evaluation of the data obtained; Shostak NA — research management, study design, data interpretation, manuscript editing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (protocol № 181 dated January 28, 2019); the informed consent to blood testing and investigation of intervertebral disc was obtained from all participants.

Received: 2021-11-22 Accepted: 2021-12-06 Published online: 2021-12-20
Fig. 1. Patient K. aged 37 with BP and Pfirrmann grade 4 DDD at the level of L5–S1, with IVD herniation (arrow) and Modic type 1 changes in vertebral bodies (yellow contour). T2-weighted and STIR images
Fig. 2. Expression levels of mRNAs of the studied genes in relation to normalization genes (B2m, GUSB) in the IVD tissues of the index group patients and controls (* — p < 0.01)
Fig. 3. Correlation between the TNFα mRNA expression levels in the IVD tissues and the Pfirrmann degeneration grades in the index group patients
Fig. 4. Correlation between the IL1β mRNA expression levels in the IVD tissues and the Pfirrmann degeneration grades in the index group patients
Fig. 5. Expression levels of mRNAs of the studied genes in relation to normalization genes (B2m, GUSB) in the white blood cells of the index group patients and controls (p < 0.01)
Table. Demographic, clinical and instrumental characteristics of the studied groups