Chronic non-treated posterior fracture-dislocation of the shoulder

About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Denis A. Badriev
Ostrovityanova, 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.liam@nad1lli

About paper

Author contribution: all authors made equal contributions to the study and preparation of the article.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by Ethical Review Board at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Protocol No. 202 of November 23, 2020) and carried out in compliance with ethical standards established by the Declaration of Helsinki; the patient provided written informed consent for data processing and publication.

Received: 2022-04-09 Accepted: 2022-04-15 Published online: 2022-04-29
Fig. 1. X-ray of the right shoulder joint on the day of injury
Fig. 2. Axial computed tomography scan of the right shoulder joint 3 weeks after injury (A). Volumetric reconstruction of the proximal part of the right humerus 3 weeks after injury (B)
Fig. 3. The patient before surgery
Fig. 4. X-ray of the right shoulder joint 12 months after surgery
Fig. 5. The patient 12 months after surgery