Promising biocemical markers of Parkinson's disease

Gusyakova OA, Smirnov SV, Kuznetsova OYu, Apergenova AR, Albikova AR
About authors

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Sergey V. Smirnov
Arcybushevskaya, 171, 443001, Samara, Russia; ur.umsmas@vonrims.v.s

About paper

Acknowledgments: we would like to thank staff members of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnosis at the Samara State Medical University, specifically Professor F.N. Gilmiyarova, D. Sc. (Medicine), and Associate Professor A.V. Zhdanova, Cand. Sc. (Philology), for their help in manuscript drafting and design.

Author contribution: Gusyakova OA — literature analysis; Smirnov SV — data acquisition in the field of fundamental biochemistry; Kuznetsova OYu — research data analysis and interpretation; Apergenova AR, Albikova AR — manuscript writing.

Received: 2023-07-24 Accepted: 2023-08-14 Published online: 2023-08-29
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of dioxyindole being the neuromelanin monomer involved in the eumelanin metabolic pathway of tyrosine
Fig. 2. Possible product of intermolecular cyclization: dioxyindole tetramer as a basis of the neuromelain cyclic tructure
Fig. 3. Chemical structure of uric acid in the form of two possible native tautomers