Multidisciplinary approach to treatment of a patient with unresectable metastatic liver lesion spawned by HER2+ gastric adenocarcinoma giving

Kolomiets KV, Isaev IV, Kovalev VV, Grishchenko NV, Kokovihina DI, Morozova AA, Torosyan AR, Shashkova VV, Snegireva PV
About authors

Rostov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Karina V. Kolomiets
Krasnoarmeyskaya, 198, Novocherkassk, 346400, Russia; ur.liam@99_steimolok_anirak

About paper

Author contribution: Kolomiets KV — article authoring, editing; Isaev IV, Snegireva PV — article authoring, literature review, data analysis; Kovalev VV, Grishchenko NV — article authoring, literature review, data collection; Kokovikhina DI, Morozova AA — article authoring, literature review, study concept and design; Torosyan AR, Shashkova VV — article authoring, literature review, article revision.

Compliance with ethical standards: the patient has signed a voluntary informed consent to publication of anonymized medical information.

Received: 2023-06-27 Accepted: 2023-08-12 Published online: 2023-08-29
Fig. 1. A, B. MRI scan, abdominal cavity, 07.12.2019
Fig. 2. A, B. MRI scan, abdominal cavity, 18.02.2020
Fig. 3. A, B. MRI scan, abdominal cavity, 15.07.2020