Genetically encoded light-inducible sensor for nucleolar visualization

Zhurlova PA, Besedovskaia ZV, Sokolinskaya EL, Putlyaeva LV
About authors

Skolkovo institute of science and technology, Center for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Lidia V. Putlyaeva
Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, Moscow, Russia, 121205; ur.liam@avoliahkim.aidil

About paper

Funding: this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 22-24-01109.

Received: 2023-11-27 Accepted: 2023-12-11 Published online: 2023-12-17
Fig. 1. Characterization of the genetically engineered LANS system enabling light-dependent recruitment of LANS2 to nucleoli. A. Schematic representation of the lightdependent dimerization probes LANS1 and LANS2. FP=fluorescent protein. В. Fluorescence microscopy images of HeLa cells transfected with LANS1 and LANS2 before (left), during (middle), and after (right) blue light irradiation. White arrows indicate the nucleoli. С. Fluorescence image of the nucleolus in HeLa cell expressing the DPF3-mScarlet sensor. D. Graph showing the nucleolus/cytoplasm relative fluorescence ratio for LANS2 during the experiment. Data represent mean ± range (n = 33 nucleoli)