Genotypic characteristics of Bordetella pertussis, candidate strains for production of pertussis component of vaccines (statement I)

About authors

1 Gabrichevsky Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia

2 Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga Yu. Borisova
Admirala Makarova, 10, 125212, Moscow, Russia; ur.liam@avosirobglo

About paper

Author contribution: Borisova OY — molecular genetic research, data analysis, literature analysis, manuscript authoring; Andrievskaya IY — molecular genetic research, data analysis, manuscript authoring; Pimenova AS, Gadua NT, Chagina IA, Alekseeva IA — microbiological research, manuscript authoring; Borisova AB, Kafarskaya LI — literature analysis, data analysis, manuscript authoring; Chaplin AV — bioinformatic and phylogenetic analysis, manuscript authoring.

Received: 2024-04-09 Accepted: 2024-04-24 Published online: 2024-04-30
Fig. Phylogenetic tree of bacteria of ST2 type based on wgMLST. Vaccine candidate strains are gray dots. Sections of the tree containing these strains are presented magnified on the right, with bootstrap support levels marked in the nodes (only values above 70). The ring diagram does not show lengths of branches because some strains have abnormally long branches. Letter T denotes the Tohama I strain used as an external representative
Table 1. Genotypic characteristics, vaccine production B. pertussis strains
Table 2. Genotypic characteristics, candidate B. pertussis strains