ISSN Print 2500–1094    ISSN Online 2542–1204


Deputy Director for Research,
Intitute of Immunophysiology (Moscow, Russia)

Professor at the Department of Allergology and Immunology,
People's Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

DSc (medicine), professor

Areas of expertise:

immunorehabilitation, basic and clinical immunology, allergology, cell technologies, molecular allergology, immunodermatology, immunooncology

Special awards and honors:

President of the World Allergy Organization Honorary certificate (2011) and Honorary awards (2013, 2015)
Full member of New York Academy of Sciences (2013)
Honorary international fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (2014)
Honorary Fellow, full international member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI, 2015)
Honorary Fellow of the World Immunopathology Organization (WIPO, 2016)
Order of Honor (2015)


Significant publications in last 5 years

  1. Slavyanskaya TA, Derkach VV, Sepiashvili RI. Debates in allergy medicine: specific immunotherapy efficiency in children with atopic dermatitis. World Allergy Organization Journal. 2016; 9: 15.
  2. Avdonkina N, Slavyanskaya T, Baldueva I, Salnikova S. Immunotherapy of bladder cancer: past, present and future. In: Sepiashvili R, editor. Allergy, Asthma & Immunophysiology: Innovative Technologies. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher; 2016. P. 289–95.
  3. Slavyanskaya T, Salnikova S, Avdonkina N, Sepiashvili R, Baldueva I. Targeted therapy of patients with urothelial carcinoma. In: Sepiashvili R, editor. Allergy, Asthma & Immunophysiology: Innovative Technologies. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher; 2016. P. 281–8.
  4. Avdonkina N, Slavyanskaya T, Baldueva I, Salnikova S. Features of cultivation of cells of urothelial carcinoma. In: Sepiashvili R, editor. Allergy, Asthma & Immunophysiology: Innovative Technologies. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher; 2016. P. 291–301.
  5. Slavyanskaya T. Interdisciplinary approach in the management of asthma in the elderly. In: Sepiashvili R, editor. Allergy, Asthma & Immunophysiology: Innovative Technologies. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher; 2016. P. 23–30.
  6. Avdokina NA, Slavyanskaya TA, Baldueva IA, Salnikova SV. [Immunobiological markers: diagnostic and prognostic value in bladder cancer]. Allergology and Immunology. 2015; 16 (4): 358–64. Russian.
  7. Slavyanskaya TA, Derkach VV, Sepiashvili RI. [Modern approaches to specific immunotherapy in atopic dermatitis children]. Russian Allergology Journal. 2015; (5): 31–8. Russian.
  8. Derkach VV, Slavyanskaya TA. [Treatment strategy for children with different immunopathogenetic phenotypes of atopic dermatitis]. Vestnik poslediplomnogo meditsinskogo obrazovaniya. 2015; (3): 24–31.
  9. Slavyanskaya TA, Derkach VV, Sepiashvili RI. Immunnye i neimmunnye patogenecheskie mekhanizmy razvitiya oslozhnennykh form atopicheskogo dermatita. Georgian Medical News. 2015; 6 (243): 22–9. Russian.
  10. Braido F, Slavyanskaya T, Sepiashvili R, Baiardini I, Canonica GW. Psychological – co-morbid and co-existing. In: Lockey RF, Ledford DK, editors. Asthma: Comorbidities, Coexisting conditions, & differential diagnosis. New York: Oxford University Press; 2014.  P. 379–94.