Surgical treatment of Peyronie’s disease. Part 1. The possibilities of the human body

Nazarenko GI1, Darenkov SP2, Zyryanova ON1, Sakrisyan AD1
About authors

1 Medical Centre of Bank of Russia, Moscow, Russia

2 Department of Urology, Medical Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Armen Sakrisyan
Sevastopolskiy prospekt, d. 66, Moscow, Russia, 117593; ur.relbmar@naysikras.a

Received: 2012-04-04 Accepted: 2012-06-05 Published online: 2017-01-05

The article is devoted to modern techniques of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease. To date, surgery is the main effective means of therapy of this symptomatic disease. There is proposed a set of techniques that can be divided into two groups of operations: shortening (Nesbit operation and its modifications, plication) and lengthening (patchwork) corporoplasty. Shortening techniques proved to be effective, and subjected to certain indications for their use, are considered satisfactory by professionals and patients. Among them the most preferred are modified Nesbit operations. When prolonging corporoplasty today probably there is no need for complete excision of the plaque, and the most contentious issue is the selection of optimal plastic automaterial. The author presented a case of his own experience of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease symptom.

Keywords: Peyronie's disease, surgical treatment, plastic material