Psoralen Photosensitized Damage of Erythrocyte Membranes, Effects of Bivalent Cations and Fluence Rate of UVA-Irradiation: a Literature Review

Lysenko EP, Potapenko AYa
About authors

Department of Physics and Mathematics, Pediatric Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Evgeniy Lysenko
ul. Ostrovityanova, d. 1, Moscow, Russia, 117997; ur.liam@1oknesyle

Received: 2014-06-06 Accepted: 2014-09-17 Published online: 2017-01-05

Psoralens combined with UVA-irradiation (320–400 nm) are used for the treatment of skin and autoimmune diseases (PUVA-therapy). One possible mechanism of therapeutic and side phototoxic effects of PUVA-therapy can be realized through the stage of formation of psoralen photooxidation products (POP-products). In the present paper, the mechanisms of formation of two types of POP-products are discussed. POP1-products are predominantly formed in solutions at low psoralen concentration and/or under low fluence rate of UVA-irradiation. These POPi-products possess immunosuppressive activity and are detected by spin trap EPR method. POP2-products are formed under high fluence rate of UVA-irradiation and/or at high psoralen concentration. They possess hemolytic activity and are detected by Fe(ll)-induced chemiluminescence. The influence of Fe(ll)-ions on POP-induced membranotoxic effects is discussed.

Keywords: chemiluminescence, psoralen, fluence rate of UVA-irradiation, photooxidation, hemolysis, Fe(ll)-ions, spin traps