Non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma in the anti-age therapy of facial skin

Shemshuk MI1, Korotky VN1, Serov DN2, Kochetkov MA2, Stenko AG3, Korotkiy NG1
About authors

1 Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Faculty of General Medicine,
Pirogov Russian National Research University, Moscow

2 Moscow Research and Medical Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology, Moscow

3 Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, Moscow

Correspondence should be addressed: Vladimir Korotky
Leninsky 117, bl. 6, Moscow; moc.liamg@knkbkv

Received: 2018-03-15 Accepted: 2018-03-22 Published online: 2018-06-23
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