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Hydroxyapatite and porphyrin-fullerene nanoparticles for diagnostic and therapeutic delivery of paramagnetic ions and radionuclides

Orlova MA1,2, Nikolaev AL1, Trofimova TP1,3, Orlov AP1, Severin AV1, Kalmykov SN1
About authors

1 Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

2 Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Centre of Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow

3 Institute of Physiological Active Compounds of RAS, Chernogolovka

Correspondence should be addressed: Marina A. Orlova
Leninskie gory 1, bl. 3, Moscow, 119992; ur.liam@mehcoidar.avolro

Received: 2018-06-27 Accepted: 2018-09-20 Published online: 2018-12-25
Fig. 1. The structural formula of the compounds used in the present study
Fig. 2. MOLT-4 cells treated with L3 (A) and С3 (B) under the confocal laser scanning microscope
Fig. 3. Absorption spectra of 10-2 mg/ml L1 solution that was in contact with HAP2 (A) and HAP1 (B) for 0 min (1), 5 min (2), 10 min (3), 15 min (4), 30 min (5), and 60 min (6)
Fig. 4. Electron microscopy (A) and X-ray diffraction phase analysis (B) of HAP1 synthesized from the suspension of calcium oxide and phosphorus acid
Fig. 5. Laser scanning electron microscopy (A) and X-ray diffraction phase analysis (B) of HAPE synthesized from the aqueous solution of calcium glycerophosphate (0.2 mol/l) at the alkaline phosphatase concertation of 0.1 μg/ml
Fig. 6. Differential function of nanoparticle diameter distribution in the sample synthesized in the tris buffer (pH = 9.2) in the presence of alkaline phosphatase taken at a concentration of: 1) 0.02 μg/ml (the average nanoparticle size was 1.57 μm); 2) 0.1 μg/ml (the average nanoparticle size was 2.22 μm)
Table 1. Lethal concentrations (LС50) of Zn-BFNP and 67Zn-BFNP complexes for leukemic cell lines and healthy lymphocytes depending on the nanoparticle size
Note: *HD — lymphocytes obtained from healthy donors.
Table 2.Survival (LC50) of different cells in the presence of the studied zinc salts, chelators and HAPs
Note: * — B-ALL designates BM cells of patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia; ** — according to [17].
Table 3. Average sizes of HAP nanoparticles obtained through precipitation and HAP nanoparticles doped with zinc