The new method of pelvic packing against continuing intrapelvic bleeding resulting from the unstable pelvic ring fractures

Egiazaryan KA1, Gordienko DI1, Starchik DA2, Lysko AM1
About authors

1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Artyom M. Lysko
Khachaturiana 12–3, Moscow, 127562; moc.liamg@oksyLtra

About paper

Author contribution: Egiazaryan KA, Gordienko DI — study organization and planning; Starchik DA — study planning, anatomical examination; Lysko AM — literature analysis, data collection, analysis, interpretation, surgery.

Received: 2019-03-03 Accepted: 2019-04-16 Published online: 2019-04-29

Unstable pelvic ring fractures are one of the common causes of death of patients with concomitant injuries. The existing methods applied to treat such conditions can cause a number of complications and have contraindications. We have described a successful clinical case of intrapelvic hemorrhage arrest in a patient with multiple injuries. in this case, we applied the new method combining minimally invasive angioembolization and easily applicable and effective balloon tamponade.

Keywords: concomitant injury, multiple injury, polytrauma, intrapelvic bleeding, pelvic packing