Effect of various types of removable appliances and dental implants on the oral microbiocenosis during orthopedic treatment

Tlustenko VP, Bayrikov IM, Trunin DA, Komlev SS, Zhestkov AV, Lyamin AV
About authors

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Sergey S. Komlev
Chapayevskaya 89, Samara, 443099; ur.liam@sk.tamots

About paper

Author contribution: Tlustenko VP, Bairikov IM, Trunin DA, Komlev SS — concept and research design, surgical and orthopedic treatment of patients; Bairikov IM, Komlev SS, Zhestkov AV, Lyamin AV — collection and processing of material, microbiological investigation of clinical material, statistical processing of results.

Received: 2019-01-27 Accepted: 2019-04-08 Published online: 2019-04-19

The problem of complications arising after dental implantation is still relevant. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of various types of removable appliances and dental implants on the oral microbiocenosis during orthopedic treatment of 64 people: 12 patients of the first index group, 40 patients of the second index group and 12 people of the control group. 6 months after the implants were installed, as a result of a microbiological study of the oral cavity, the differences were found in the qualitative composition of the microflora of the mucous membrane around the neck of the dental implant. In the first index group representatives of normal microflora prevailed. In 100% of cases Streptococcus vestibularis was isolated, from more than half patients S. oralis, S. mitis, Rothia mucilaginosa were isolated, S. gordonii was isolated from one patient. In the second index group, a significant diversity of microbial species was observed, including enterobacteria, which were isolated from 22.5% of the examined patients. In the control group, in addition to representatives of the normal microflora of the oral mucosa S. vestibularis (75.5%), S. oralis (50.0%), Neisseria subflava (66.7%) and Haemophylus parainfluenzae (50.0%) were found. From all patients of the control groups S. gordonii was isolated, as well as the other potentially pathogenic streptococci species, S. anginosus and S. constellatus by 66.7%. The type of removable appliances and dental implants used affects the microflora composition of the oral cavity, and, consequently, the further prognosis and the risk of complications. Collapsible dental implant supported removable prosthetic appliances with a metal frame and fixing elements, telescopic crowns and clasps less than other types of prosthetic appliances change the qualitative composition of the microflora of the oral mucosa around the neck of the dental implant.

Keywords: microbiocenosis, implantation, collapsible dental implant, removable prosthetic appliances