Effects of carnosine and lipoic acid in the late stage of Parkinson’s disease in rats

Berezhnoy DS, Fedorova TN, Kulikova OI, Stavrovskaya AV, Abaimov DA, Gushchina AS, Olshansky AS, Voronkov DN, Stvolinsky SL
About authors

Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga I. Kulikova
Volokolamskoe shosse, 80, Moscow, 125367; ur.ygoloruen@avokiluk

About paper

Author contribution: Berezhnoy DS analyzed the literature; planned the study; acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript and revised its final version. Fedorova TN analyzed the literature; planned the study; analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; revised the manuscript. Kulikova OI analyzed the literature; planned the study; acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; revised the manuscript. Stavrovskaya AV analyzed the literature; planned the study; acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript. Abaimov DA acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript. Gushchina AS planned the study; acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript. Olshansky AS acquired and analyzed the data; prepared the draft of the manuscript. Voronkov DN acquired analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript. Stvolinsky SL planned the study; acquired, analyzed and interpreted the obtained data; prepared the draft of the manuscript.

Received: 2019-08-12 Accepted: 2019-08-30 Published online: 2019-09-18
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