Hereditary risk factors for uterine leiomyoma: a search for marker SNPs

Svirepova KA1, Kuznetsova MV1, Sogoyan NS1, Zelensky DV2, Lolomadze EA1, Mikhailovskaya GV1, Mishina ND1, Donnikov AE1, Trofimov DYu1
About authors

1 Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia

2 Valuyki Central Hospital, Valuyki, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ksenia A. Svirepova
Akademika Oparina, 4, Moscow, 117997; ur.xednay@iwsesk

About paper

Funding: this study was part of the State Assignment (2019) on the Improved management of patients with benign reproductive system neoplasms with hi-tech diagnostic imaging techniques and molecular panels for predicting the progression and relapse of the disease.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Author contribution: Svirepova KA analyzed the literature, carried out the research and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors; Kuznetsova MV carried out the research and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors; Sogoyan NS collected tissue samples and documented them in the biobank’s register; Zelensky DV collected tissue samples for research; Lolomadze EA, Mikhailovskaya GV helped with the laboratory part of the research; Mishina ND performed statistical analysis; Donnikov AE, Trofimov DYu supervised the study and revised the manuscript.

Received: 2020-02-05 Accepted: 2020-02-19 Published online: 2020-02-29
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