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Prognosis criteria of the severe postembolization syndrome in patients with uterine myoma

Nurmukhametova ET, Shlyapnikov ME
About authors

Medical University Reaviz, Samara

Correspondence should be addressed: Elmira Т. Nurmukhametova
Chkalova, 100, Samara, 443001; ur.xednay@mlerun

About paper

Acknowledgements: to MV Komarova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Samara University Department of Laser and Biotechnological Systems, for assistance in the statistical processing of the results.

Author contribution: Nurmukhametova ET, Shlyapnikov ME — the authors contributed to the study and manuscript writing equally.

Received: 2019-12-31 Accepted: 2020-01-19 Published online: 2020-01-30
Fig. 1. ROC curves demonstrating the prognostic value of age (А), BMI (B), perfusion rate at rest (C), α blood flow recovery angle (D)
Fig. 2. ROC curves demonstrating the multivariate models prognostic value 1 (А), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (D)
Table. 1. Dominant myoma size and localization
Note: myoma nodules’ localization comparison was performed using the Pearson χ2 test (χ2 = 15.1), comparison of the nodules’ number and size was performed using ANOVA.
Table. 2. Anthropometric data of patients and parameters of microcirculation at rest and during the occlusion test prior to UAE for the groups of patients with PES of different severity
Note: * — data are presented as standard deviation M ± SD; other data are presented as median and interquartile range.
Table. 3. Assessment of the anthropometric characteristics and microcirculation parameters value for predicting severe PES using the one-dimensional logistic regression model
Note: * — odds ratio is optimized for the predictor’s increase by 0.1; * * odds ratio is optimized for the predictor’s increase by 0.01.
Table. 4. Assessment of the anthropometric characteristics and microcirculation parameters for the severe PES prognosis using the multivariate logistic regression models