Refinement of noninvasive methods for diagnosing precancer and cancer of oral mucosa in general dental practice

Postnikov MA1, Gabrielyan AG1,2, Trunin DA1, Kaganov OI1,2, Kirillova VP1, Khamadeeva AM1, Osokin OV2, Kopetskiy IS3, Eremin DA
About authors

1 Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

2 Samara Regional Clinical Cancer Center, Samara, Russia

3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Alexey G. Gabrielyan
Michurina, 138, kv. 85, Samara, 443086; ur.liam@200_leirbag

About paper

Author contribution: Postnikov MA — literature analysis; Gabrielyan AG — study planning; Trunin DA, Kopetskiy IS, Eremin DA — analysis of the obtained data; Kaganov OI — manuscript draft; Kirillova VP — analysis of patients’ records; Khamadeeva AM — interpretation of the obtained results; Osokin OV — data acquisition.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Samara State Medial University (Protocol № 27 dated February 12, 2018).

Received: 2020-12-18 Accepted: 2021-01-29 Published online: 2021-02-17

The search for and the application of available noninvasive methods for early diagnosis of oral mucosa (OM) neoplasia is a clinically significant problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the original score-based algorithm for assessing clinical data generated by a conventional and an autofluorescencebased examination in diagnosing OM cancer and assessing indications for a biopsy. We analyzed 134 medical histories and pathology reports of patients with oral neoplasia. The patients were assigned to 2 groups: the control group included 63 patients who underwent a standard visual and tactile examination with history taking and then were referred for an incisional biopsy followed by a histopathological examination of the specimens. In the main group consisting of 71 patients, a standard visual and tactile examination was complemented by an autofluorescence-based examination and the original score-based algorithm with the original index of required histopathological verification (RHV) were used to assess indications for a biopsy. In both groups, the most commonly affected site was the tongue (72.4%). The histopathological examination revealed that 28 patients from the main group and 14 patients from the control group had OM cancer (р = 0.051). Histologically, early-stage cancer was diagnosed in 17 patients from the main group and in 4 patients from the control group (р = 0.004). The proposed algorithm allowed us to effectively (in 90% of cases) diagnose precancer and cancer and avoid unnecessary biopsies.

Keywords: cancer, oral mucosa, precancer, required histological verification index (RHV)