Features of the pathogenetic mechanisms of tuberculous peritonitis in an experiment

About authors

1 Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control, Moscow, Russia

2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

3 Saint-Petersburg State Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology, St. Petersburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Dmitry Vladimirovich Plotkin
Ostrovityanova, 1, Moscow, 117997; ur.tsil@31nk

About paper

Author contributions: Plotkin DV, Vinogradova TI, Sinitsyn MV, Bogorodskaya EM — study concept and design development; Plotkin DV, Reshetnikov MN, Zhuravlev VYu, Zyuzya YuR — material collection; Reshetnikov MN, Zhuravlev VYu — statistical processing; Plotkin DV, Vinogradova TI, Ariel BM, Yablonsky PK — analysis of the data obtained; Plotkin DV, Ariel BM, Sinitsyn MV, Bogorodskaya EM — text preparation; Vinogradova TI, Zyuzya YuR, Yablonsky PK — editing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology (protocol № 73 of December 23, 2020). All manipulations with animals conformed to the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebral Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (CETS # 170) and followed guidelines provided in GOST 33216-2014 Rules for Working with Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits.

Received: 2021-06-30 Accepted: 2021-07-21 Published online: 2021-08-04
Fig. 1. Foci of tuberculous lesions in the lung of a rabbit. A. Lung area under tuberculous granulomatous inflammation with distelectasis (micropreparation, stained with hematoxylin and eosin; ×40). B. Acid-resistant mycobacteria in the focus of tuberculous inflammation (micropreparation, staining according to Ziehl–Neelsen; ×1000). C. Lung: a focus of caseous necrosis with leukocyte infiltration and perifocal macrophage-epithelioid granulomas (micropreparation, stained with hematoxylin and eosin; ×100)
Fig. 2. There are multiple tuberculous tubercles on the parietal peritoneum of a rabbit-disseminates (circled in a round frame) (macro specimen)
Fig. 3. Tuberculous peritonitis in rabbits. Micropreparation. A. Tuberculous granulomatous peritonitis (granulomas are shown by arrows) (staining with hematoxylin and eosin; ×200). B. Caseous peritonitis (a focus of caseous necrosis is shown by the arrow) (stained with hematoxylin and eosin; ×100). C. Accumulations of ironcontaining pigment in necrotic masses and in adjacent macrophages (iron-containing pigment is blue-green, some of the macrophages with pigments are shown by arrows) (Perls reaction; ×100). D. Fragment of Fig. C (Perls reaction; ×200)
Fig. 4. Tuberculous peritonitis pathogenesis pattern