A new strategy in selection of hormone therapy for endometrial proliferative process in postmenopausal patients

Savelieva GM, Breusenko VG, Kareva EN, Golukhov GN, Gutorova DS, Ovchinnikova AV, Ivanovskaya TN, Shcherbatyuk KV
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Dina S. Gutorova
Lobachevskogo, 42, Moscow, 119415, Russia; ur.relbmar@d-avorotug

About paper

Funding: the study was carried out as a part of "Molecular pharmacological markers of recurrence for proliferative processes of the reproductive tract tissues in postmenopausal patients" 2018–2020 research project at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (universal decimal classifier 577.21; R&D No. АААА-А18-118051590095-4; info reg. ID No. АААА-Б20-220100690049-5)

Author contribution: Savelieva GM — design and supervision; Breusenko VG — clinical supervision; Kareva EN — laboratory supervision, laboratory tests and analysis of the data; Golukhov GN — consulting, data interpretation, manuscript editing; Gutorova DS — concept, patient database construction, statistical processing, analysis and interpretation of the data, manuscript writing; Ovchinnikova AV — statistical processing of the data; Ivanovskaya TN — formal analysis; Shcherbatyuk KV — patient data management.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by Ethical Review Board at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Protocol № 210 of 30 August 2021). All patients provided voluntary informed consent for the study.

Received: 2022-05-18 Accepted: 2022-06-13 Published online: 2022-06-28
Fig. 1. Expression of estradiol nuclear receptor genes in endometrial tissue of postmenopausal patients with endometrial proliferative process. Vertical axis: lg mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 10^2, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous), EH — non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia, AEH — atypical endometrial hyperplasia, EC-G1 — highly differentiated (G1) endometrial carcinoma, EC-G2 — moderately differentiated (G2) endometrial carcinoma; р — level of significance
Fig. 2. Expression of progesterone nuclear receptor genes in endometrial tissue of postmenopausal patients with endometrial proliferative process. Vertical axis: lg mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 10^2, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous), EH — non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia, AEH — atypical endometrial hyperplasia, EC-G1 — highly differentiated (G1) endometrial carcinoma, EC-G2 — moderately differentiated (G2) endometrial carcinoma; р — level of significance
Fig. 3. Expression of progesterone membrane receptor genes in endometrial tissue of postmenopausal patients with endometrial proliferative process. Vertical axis: lg mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 10^2, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous), EH — non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia, AEH — atypical endometrial hyperplasia, EC-G1 — highly differentiated (G1) endometrial carcinoma, EC-G2 — moderately differentiated (G2) endometrial carcinoma; р — level of significance
Fig. 4. Expression of estradiol and progesterone receptor genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of postmenopausal patients with endometrial proliferative process. Vertical axis: lg mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 10^4, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: Healthy — matching healthy donors; EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous), AEH — atypical endometrial hyperplasia, EC— endometrial carcinoma; р — level of significance
Fig. 5. Expression of estradiol receptor genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro exposure to progesterone and mifepristone. Vertical axis: mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 100, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: receptor type; EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous). * — p ≤ 0.05
Fig. 6. Expression of progesterone receptor genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro exposure to progesterone and mifepristone. Vertical axis: mRNA level (1/2–∆Ct) × 100, reference gene GAPDH; horizontal axis: receptor type; EP — endometrial polyp (glandular-fibrous). * — p ≤ 0.05