Main state industrial policy measures for the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation
1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Timofey Yu. Gaydin
Ostrovityanova, 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.usm.noce@nidyag
Author contribution: Gaydin TY, Geller EV — literature analysis, study conduct, manuscript authoring; Rozhnova SA, Gaydina TA — literature analysis, study planning and conduct, manuscript authoring.
Due to the changes in the modern world, it is necessary to develop the domestic pharmaceutical industry, which is a task especially important in the context of implementation of the import substitution policy. The article classifies the main measures the state industrial policy has for the pharmaceutical industry; these measures cover informational and consulting aspects, research and technical parts, innovations and economic matters. Practical actions and their possible consequences are considered for each group of the industrial policy measures: encouragement of domestic consumption, regulation of imports, stimulation and support of exports, stimulation of technological development, public-private partnerships, support of the development of intersectoral territorial production complexes (clusters), direct state support of investment activities, tax incentives for investors.
Keywords: innovation, pharmaceutical industry, competition support, industrial policy, consumer welfare