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Preoperative planning of hip arthroplasty
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Vladislav N. Akbashev
Lenina, 3, 45008, Ufa, Russia; ur.liam@bka-dalV
Funding: the study was supported by grant of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan for state support of scientific research guided by the leading scientists within the framework of the Eurasian Research and Educational Center programs; it was also supported by the Strategic Academic Leadership Program of the Bashkir State Medical University (PRIORITY-2030).
Author contribution: Minasov BSh, Yakupov RR, Bilyalov AR — developing the study design, data analysis; Minasov TB, Valeev MM, Mavlyutov TR — intraoperative control of determining the size of the endoprosthesis components, data acquisition, data analysis; Nigamedzanov IE, Akbashev VN, Karimov KK — statistical analysis, data estimation, literature review, computer, volumetric modeling, 3D printing of pelvic bones, acetabular and femoral components of the endoprosthesis.
Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Bashkir State Medical University (protocol № 11 dated 15 November 2023)