Antioxidant Homeostasis of the Human Body: Methods of Study, Evaluation Criteria (Review)

Popov IN1, Levin G1, Anosov AK2, Markin AA3, Morukov BV3
About authors

1 Research Institute for Antioxidant Therapy, Berlin, FRG

2 Department of General and Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

3 Laboratory of Metabolism and Immunity,
lnstitute of Biomedical Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Igor Popov
Invalidenstr., 137 С, Berlin, FRG, 10115; moc.hcraeser-tnadixoitna@pi

Received: 2013-04-04 Accepted: 2013-04-25 Published online: 2017-01-05