Successful Treatment of Fractures of the Pylon, the Talus and the Calcaneus in a Patient with Severe Concomitant Injury: Clinical Observation

About authors

Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Battle-Field Surgery, Pediatric Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Maksim Korolev
Leninskiy prospect, d. 10, korp. 7, Moscow, Russia, 117049; ur.liam@ffelorokrotcod

Received: 2015-02-06 Accepted: 2015-04-22 Published online: 2017-01-05

In this article we consider the case of successful treatment of the pylon, talus and calcaneus fractures in a patient with severe concomitant trauma. Clinical evaluation of the limb condition was held, the functional results and dynamics of the patient's life quality were studied. The protocol of staged treatment of the patient allowed to obtain good results and can be useful for orthopedic surgeons.

Keywords: fracture of the pylon, fractures of the foot, concomitant trauma, post-traumatic arthrosis