Trauma Doctors’ Medical and Legal Awareness of Emergency Medical Assistance (According to the Sociological Survey)
1 Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Battle-Field Surgery, Pediatric Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
2 Department of Forensic Medical Examination, Medical Faculty,
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
3 Department of Modern Sociology, Sociological Faculty,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Maria Lyadova
Leninskiy prospect, d. 10, korp. 7, Moscow, Russia, 117049; ur.liam@1codairam
The article is devoted to the problem of trauma doctors' legal awareness of emergency medical assistance. Based on the results of sociological investigations, there were demonstrated the main causes of conflicts between doctors and patients and the ways to prevent them.
Keywords: emergency medical assistance, sociological research, legal awareness