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Physiological indicators of schoolchildren of 7–12 years of age peculiar to mental arithmetic sessions combined with attention switching physical exercises
1 Department of Adaptive Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism,Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Togliatti state University, Togliatti
2 Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Medical and Biological Disciplines,Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies, Moscow City pedagogical University, Moscow
3 "Eureka" intellectual development center, Togliatti
Correspondence should be addressed: Viktor V. Gorelik
Belorusskaya str, 14, Togliatti, 445020; ur.tsil@yogcel
Present day education routines subject schoolchildren to considerable loads associated with studying. This research effort aimed to study the effect attention switching physical exercises (the type peculiar to the mental arithmetic curricula) have on heart rate, adaptation abilities, stress resistance, higher mental functions and conditioned reflex activity of children. Examining 124 schoolchildren aged 7–9 and 10–12 years, we applied the pedagogical experiment method that includes benchmarking, formation and control stages, as well as a number of psychological methods: short-term, associative and image memory diagnostics; Bourdon-Wiersma test; search for logical solutions; evaluation of motor skills. Varicard 2.51 was used to assess functions of the cardiovascular system and other physiological state indicators. At the benchmarking stage, we discovered the differences in higher mental functions conditioned by age and gender. Girls aged 7–9 had their memory, attention, ideation indicators 20–40% higher than boys of the same age. Boys aged 10–12 had their higher mental functions developed 10–30% better than girls of the same age. At the formation stage, we registered the optimizing effect attention switching physical exercises have on information processing speed and memorizing effectiveness: corresponding indicators increased 1.5–2 times (7–9 y.o., both genders) and 1.2–1.5 times (10–12 y.o., both genders), accordingly. It was concluded that adding the attention switching physical exercises to mental arithmetic curricula makes training sessions more effective.
Keywords: schoolchildren, cognitive sphere, cognitive activity, functional activity of CVS, age psychology, mental arithmetic