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Adapting the p300 brain-computer interface technology to assess condition of anorexia nervosa patients
1 Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 Scientific-practical Children's and Adolescents Mental Health Center n.a. G. Sukhareva, Moscow, Russia
3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Ilya P. Ganin
Leninskie gory 1, bl. 12, ap. 246, Moscow, 119234; ur.liam@ninagpi
Author contribution: all authors participated in the experiment planning; Ganin IP — immediate research activities, data analysis and interpretation, literature analysis, manuscript authoring; Kosichenko EA — immediate research activities, literature analysis, data analysis; Sokolov AV — immediate research activities, data interpretation, text editing; Ioannisyanc OM — diagnosing and selection of patients for the study; Arefev IM — support of experiments, data interpretation; Basova AYa — data interpretation, text editing; Kaplan AYa — data interpretation.