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Adapting the p300 brain-computer interface technology to assess condition of anorexia nervosa patients

Ganin IP1, Kosichenko EA1, Sokolov AV2,3, Ioannisyanc OM2, Arefev IM2, Basova AYa2,3, Kaplan AYa1
About authors

1 Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

2 Scientific-practical Children's and Adolescents Mental Health Center n.a. G. Sukhareva, Moscow, Russia

3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ilya P. Ganin
Leninskie gory 1, bl. 12, ap. 246, Moscow, 119234; ur.liam@ninagpi

About paper

Author contribution: all authors participated in the experiment planning; Ganin IP — immediate research activities, data analysis and interpretation, literature analysis, manuscript authoring; Kosichenko EA — immediate research activities, literature analysis, data analysis; Sokolov AV — immediate research activities, data interpretation, text editing; Ioannisyanc OM — diagnosing and selection of patients for the study; Arefev IM — support of experiments, data interpretation; Basova AYa — data interpretation, text editing; Kaplan AYa — data interpretation.

Received: 2018-10-08 Accepted: 2019-03-27 Published online: 2019-04-10
Fig. 1. Group mean differential ERP (n = 10). Stimuli: black line — images of food, gray line — images of body parts of emaciated people. Vertical — amplitude (mkV), horizontal — time (ms). Vertical dashed line (0 ms) reflects the time of stimulus presentation. Above each curve — name of EEG site
Fig. 2. Group mean P300, N1 and LPP component amplitude, two types of stimuli (images of food and images of body parts of emaciated people). Mean and standard error of mean. Difference between blocks: * — p < 0.05, # — p < 0.1
Fig. 3. Group mean classification accuracy, BCI algorithm, identification of significant stimuli among neutral ones in two blocks (images of food and images of body parts of emaciated people). Mean and standard error of mean. Difference between blocks: * — p < 0.05
Table. P300, N1 and LPP amplitude values, response to presentation of stimuli (images of food and images of body parts of emaciated people). Mean ± standard error of mean, mkV